

rén noun 人类person 五口人 five people in a family 有学问的人 learned people 普通人 ordinary people 人多好办事。 Many hands make light work. 成人 某种人people of different kinds 白人, 军人, 客人 每个人everybody 人手一册 one copy each 人各有所好。 There is no accounting for taste. 人所共知 成年人adult 长大成人 reach manhood 所有人someone 待人诚恳 treat others with sincerity 助人为乐 为人[referring to a person's character, reputation, etc.]她人好。 She is nice. 真丢人! It’s really humiliating! 身体[referring to a person's physical or mental condition]他人已经不行了。 He is dying. 不省人事 人手manpower 缺人 be short of hands 人浮于事




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