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A. verb 垂着手拿carry in one’s hand 提行李 carry one’s luggage in one’s hand 我去提水。 I’ll go and fetch water. 提心吊胆 升高lift 提薪 raise sb’s salary 提价 raise prices 将某人提到领导岗位上来 promote sb to a position of leadership 提拔, 提高, 提升 提前move forward 提前, 提早 举出put forward 提意见 offer an opinion 提建议 make a suggestion 提条件 put forward conditions 提要求 present one’s demands 把某事提上日程 put sth on the agenda 提名, 提示, 提醒 取出extract 从银行提现金 withdraw cash from a bank 我要去邮局提包裹。 I’m going to collect a parcel at the post office. 提成, 提货, 提炼 带出summon for interrogation 提犯人 fetch a prisoner for interrogation 提审, 提讯 提及mention 不值一提 not worth mentioning 旧事重提 bring up a matter of the past 只字不提B. noun 提勺ladle 酒提, 油提 指笔画[in Chinese characters] rising stroke




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