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词汇 wave
wave | BrE weɪv, AmE weɪv | A. noun (in water) 波浪 bōlàng to ride the waves 冲浪 a huge wave 巨浪 to make waves literal «wind, boat» 掀起波浪 informal (cause a stir) 引起轰动 yǐnqǐ hōngdòng informal (cause trouble) 兴风作浪 xīng fēng zuò làng (hand gesture) 挥手 huī shǒu to give sb a wave 向某人挥手 (gesture with object) 挥动 huīdòng with a wave of his wand 随着他的魔术棒一挥 (surge of feeling) 一阵 yīzhèn a wave of panic/nausea/euphoria 一阵恐慌/恶心/兴奋 in waves 一阵阵地 the grief comes in waves 悲伤阵阵袭来 (large-scale occurrence) 浪潮 làngcháo a wave of strikes 罢工浪潮 (large number arriving) (of people) 涌现的人 yǒngxiàn de rén ; (of things) 涌现的事物 yǒngxiàn de shìwù we attacked the enemy army in two waves 我们分成两个梯队向敌军发起进攻 (radiating surge) làng a wave of heat 热浪 Physics electromagnetic waves 电磁波 (curling lock of hair) 卷发 juǎnfà (tendency to curl) 卷曲 juǎnqū her hair has a slight natural wave (in it) 她的头发微微有点自然卷 (undulating shape) 波浪形 bōlàngxíng B. waves plural noun the waves literary 大海 dàhǎi beneath the waves 在海底 zài hǎidǐ C. transitive verb (move as signal) 挥动 huīdòng handkerchief, ticket, wandto be like waving a red flag in front of a bull 做惹人发怒的事 (brandish threateningly) 挥舞 huīwǔ gun, stickhe waved his fist at her angrily 他愤怒地向她挥拳头 (convey with gesture) 挥臂表示 huī bì biǎoshì greeting, acceptanceI waved them my thanks 我向他们挥手致谢 to wave goodbye to sb 向某人挥手告别 to wave goodbye to sth (accept loss of) 与某物失之交臂 (direct) 向…挥手示意 xiàng… huī shǒu shìyì driver, carto wave sb/sth on/through; 挥手示意某人/某物继续前进/通过 (in hairdressing) 把…烫成波浪形 bǎ… tàngchéng bōlàngxíng to have one's hair waved 烫发 D. intransitive verb (signal with hand) 挥手示意 huī shǒu shìyì to wave to sb to do sth; 挥手示意某人做某事 to wave back 挥手回应 (move gently) «branch, grass» 飘动 piāodòng the flag waved in the breeze 旗帜在微风中飘扬 a field of waving corn 一片起伏的谷浪 (curl slightly) «hair» 卷曲 juǎnqū PHRASAL VERBS wave around, wave about A. intransitive verb «flag» 飘扬 piāoyáng ; «grass, corn» 波浪般起伏 bōlàng bān qǐfú B. transitive verb [wave sth around, wave around sth] 挥舞 huīwǔ stick, gunwave aside transitive verb [wave sb/sth aside, wave aside sb/sth] (dismiss) 对…置之不理 duì… zhì zhī bù lǐ criticism, suggestion(order out of way) 挥手示意…让开 huī shǒu shìyì… ràngkāi personwave down transitive verb [wave sb/sth down, wave down sb/sth] 挥手示意…停下 huī shǒu shìyì… tíngxia car, taxi, driverwave off: transitive verb [wave sb/sth off, wave off sb/sth] 向…挥手告别 xiàng… huī shǒu gàobié




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