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词汇 way
way | BrE weɪ, AmE weɪ | A. noun countable (manner, method) 方式 fāngshì in the usual way 以通常的做法 in a friendly way 友好地 there's no way of knowing or telling 无从知晓 that's the way (to do it)! 就是这样(做)! to see things my way 从我的角度看问题 way to go! US informal 干得好! (there's) no way! informal (definitely not) 没门! (expressing surprise) 不可能! to sb's way of thinking 在某人看来 to have a way with sb/sth 有办法对付某人/某事物 to have a way with one British dated 有不可抗拒的魅力 in one's or its own way 以自己特有的方式 to be born or made that way 生来如此 to get into/out of the way of sth 养成/改掉做某事的习惯 either way (both are the same) 两者都一样 (no matter how/which) 不管怎样 bù guǎn zěnyàng one way and or or another (all things considered) 总的来看 one way or another or the other (by whatever means) 不管怎样 bù guǎn zěnyàng (whichever it is) 无论哪一个 to have or want it both ways 想两全其美 (there are) no two ways about it informal 事实如此 countable (typical behaviour) 作风 zuòfēng it was not his way to admit that he had made a mistake 认错可不是他的作风 to have a way of doing sth (have habit) «person» 惯常做某事 (have tendency) «situation, event» 有某种发展倾向 first love affairs have a way of not working out 初恋通常不会有什么结果 the way of the world 世道 that’s or it’s always the way informal 老是这样 countable (route, path) a pedestrian way 人行道 to ask the way 问路 the way up/down a mountain 上山/下山的路 across or British over the way (from sb/sth) 在(某人/某物的)路对面 they live across the way from us 他们住在我们路对面 can you tell me the way to the museum? 请问到博物馆怎么走? the way ahead literal figurative 前面的路 a way around; 绕过…的路 obstacle figurative 避开…的方法 bìkāi… de fāngfǎ problema way back (to sth); 回(某处)去的路 a way up/down; 上去/下去的路 a way forward; 向前的路 a way into sth; literal (route) 进入某处的路 (means of participating) 参与某事的途径 cānyù mǒu shì de tújìng (means of understanding) 理解某事的方法 lǐjiě mǒu shì de fāngfǎ the company is looking for a way into the European market 公司正在寻找一条打入欧洲市场的路 to find one's way (reach destination) 找到路 figurative (end up) 无意间来到 wúyì jiān láidào a speck of dirt had found its way into the mechanism 一粒脏东西碰巧掉进了机件里 on the or one's way (going) 在去的路上 (coming) 在来的路上 (en route) 在路上 informal (about to be born) 快出生了 kuài chūshēng le on the way to school 在去学校的路上 I must be on my way now 我现在必须动身了 it's not on my way 我不顺路 to be on one's way to victory 即将获得成功 on the or one's way to doing sth 即将做某事 to go on one's way 继续赶路 to send sb on their way 打发某人离开 to have sb on the way (be awaiting the arrival of) 马上会见到某人 informal (be pregnant with) 怀着孩子 huáizhe háizi along the way (en route) 在路上 (in the course of events) 在进展中 out of the way (remote) 偏远的 (unusual) 不寻常的 out of sb's way 不和某人顺道 to go out of one's way (to do sth) (make detour) 绕道(去做某事) (make special effort) 特地(做某事) by way of sth literal 经由某处 (by means of a process) 以某方式 yǐ mǒu fāngshì (by means of an intermediate stage) 通过某物 tōngguò mǒu wù she rolled her eyes by way of an answer and left 她翻了翻眼睛权作回答,然后就走了 she came to TV by way of drama school 她通过读戏剧学校进入了电视业 to go one's own way 我行我素 to go one's separate ways literal figurative 分道扬镳 to go the way of sb/sth 遭遇和某人/某事物相同的命运 to see one's way (clear) to doing sth or to do sth (see as possible) 认为有可能做某事 (see as convenient) 方便做某事 to make one's way (go somewhere) 前往 (make progress) 进步 to make one's way in the world 闯出一方天地 to make one's way to or towards sb/sth 向某人/某处走去 to argue or bluff or talk one's way out of sth 蒙混过关 to cheat/lie one's way to sth 通过欺骗/说谎获得某物 to cut or hack one's way through sth 在某物中劈开一条路 to eat one's way through sth 把某物吃得精光 countable (forward route) 通路 tōnglù to bar or block or obstruct the or sb's/sth's way 挡住某人/某物的道 to be or get in the or sb's/sth's way 妨碍某人/某事物 to get in the way of sth 妨碍某事物 out of the or sb's/sth's way literal (not obstructing) 不挡某人/某物的道 (not impeding progress) 不妨碍某人/某事物 bù fáng'ài mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù (over and done with) 处理完某人/某事物 chǔlǐ wán mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù he pushed me out of the way and ran out the door 他把我推开,跑出门去 once the wedding is out of the way, … 婚礼一结束,… she couldn't get out of the way in time 她没能及时躲开 out of the or my way! informal 滚开! informal to get sb/sth out of the or sb's/sth's way (remove from place) 让某人/某事物不再挡路 figurative (deal with) 对付完某人/处理好某事物 duìfu wán mǒu rén/chǔlǐ hǎo mǒu shìwù let me just get lunch out of the way 我来搞定午餐吧 to want sb/sth out of the or sb's/sth's way literal 不想让某人/某事物挡路 figurative (want over and done with) 想对付完某人/想处理好某事物 xiǎng duìfu wán mǒu rén/xiǎng chǔlǐ hǎo mǒu shìwù to keep or stay out of the or sb's/sth's way 离某人/某事物远远的 to make way 让路 to make way for sb/sth (allow to pass) 给某人/某事物让路 (be replaced by) 让位给某人/某事物 tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland 热带森林被砍伐,以便为草场腾出地方 spring made way for summer 春去夏来 countable (direction) 方向 fāngxiàng come or step this way 到这边来 look this way 朝这个方向看 the cinema is the other way 电影院在相反的方向 to be going the right/wrong way 朝着正确的/错误的方向走 which way for or to the dining room? 去餐厅怎么走? ‘this way up’ (on box) “此面朝上” to look the other way 朝一边看 figurative (ignore wrongdoing) 佯作不知 yáng zuò bù zhī the other way around or round British or about British (reversed) 颠倒过来 (transposed) 调换 (opposite situation) 相反的情况 I didn’t leave you: it was the other way around 我没有离开你,是你离开了我 the right/wrong way around (not reversed/reversed) 按正确的/相反的方向 (in correct order/transposed) 按正确的/相反的顺序 you're Ben and you're Tom: have I got that the right way around? 你是本,你是汤姆,我认对了吗? to put one's skirt on the wrong way around 把裙子穿反 you've got the subject and object of the sentence the wrong way around 你把句子的主语和宾语颠倒了 the other way up 上下颠倒 the right/wrong way up 上下方向正确/颠倒 this way and that 前后左右 to look this way and that 左顾右盼 to run this way and that 东奔西跑 to look both ways 左右两边都看 every which way informal (in all directions) 朝四面八方 (by all available means) 用尽一切办法 her hair tumbled every which way 她的头发乱七八糟 to come sb's way (approach) 向某人走来 figurative (present itself to sb) 意外落在某人身上 yìwài luòzài mǒu rén shēn shang an opportunity came my way 一个机会落在了我的头上 to go sb's way 与某人同路 figurative (go well for) 对某人有利 duì mǒu rén yǒulì to be going the right way to get sth informal 所作所为会招惹某事 you're going the right way to get a smack 你是想挨一巴掌吧 to put sth sb's way informal 为某人提供某物 I might be able to put a bit of business your way if I'm elected 如果我当选也许能为你带来一点生意 Way uncountable (in street names) 106 Headley Way 黑德利路106号 countable and uncountable (distance) 距离 jùlí ; (period of time) 时段 shíduàn a long or fair or good way 很长一段距离 some way off 有一段距离 Christmas is now just a short way off 圣诞节距现在很近了 a or some way to go 还有一段路 the whole way 全程 all the way (for whole distance) 全程 (completely) 完全地 she cried all the way to the church 她一路哭到了教堂 he went all the way to China with them 他和他们一路同行去了中国 there are advertising hoardings all the way along this road 这条街上全是广告牌 to go all the way with sb informal euphemistic 同某人尽情交欢 to go some/a long way towards doing sth 对做某事帮助不大/很大 countable informal (area) 地区 dìqū down or around your way 在你那儿 over Bristol way 在布里斯托尔一带 countable (respect, aspect) 方面 fāngmiàn in a way (in some respects) 在某些方面 (to a certain extent) 在某种程度上 in every way (in all respects) 在各方面 (from every point of view) 无论从什么观点看 in more ways than one (in more than one respect) 在很多方面 (in more than one sense) 在很多意义上 in a general way 总体而言 in the ordinary way 一般情况下 there isn’t much in the way of entertainment in this place 这个地方没有什么娱乐活动 what have you got in the way of drinks? 你有没有什么可以喝的? countable (condition, state) to be in a bad or poor way 情况危急 qíngkuàng wēijí countable (will, desire) 愿望 yuànwàng to get or have one's (own) way 一意孤行 have it your (own) way! informal 随你的便吧! to have it or things or everything one's own way 一意孤行 to have one's (wicked) way with sb (archaic or humorous) 劝服某人同自己交欢 B. ways plural noun (behaviour) 习俗 xísú the old ways 旧习俗 (parts) 部分 bùfen to split the money four ways 把钱分成四份 C. ways noun US informal (distance) 长距离 cháng jùlí they had to walk quite a ways 他们不得不走了很长一段路 (time) 长时间 cháng shíjiān D. adverb informal (far) 很远 hěn yuǎn they live way out in the suburbs 他们住在偏远的郊区 way over there or yonder 在很远处 way up in the air 在高空中 (a lot) 大大地 dàdà de the performance was way below their usual standard 这次表演远远低于他们的正常水平 they're way down in the table at the moment 眼下他们烂醉如泥 to be way out (in guess, estimate) 差得太远了 to be way too big 太大了 she's way bigger than him 她比他大得多 (mainly US) (very) 非常 fēicháng the guys behind the bar were way cool 吧台后面的那些小伙子酷毙了 E. by the way adverb phrase 顺便说一下 shùnbiàn shuō yīxià what’s the time, by the way? 顺便问一下,几点钟了? and she, by the way, is French 而她,顺便说一下,是个法国人 all this is by the way 所有这些都是次要的




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