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piān A. adjective 歪斜slanting 偏北/西风 northerly/westerly wind 画挂偏了。 The picture has been hung askew. 球踢偏了。 The ball went wide. 偏头痛 注重一方partial 偏于基础理论的研究 show partiality for the study of basic theories 偏爱, 偏食, 偏听偏信 不常见uncommon 偏僻, 偏题, 偏远 辅助subordinate 偏将 assistant general 偏方, 偏房, 偏师B. verb 指方向deviate from the correct course 偏离标准deviate from the normal standard 试题偏难。 The test was a little bit on the difficult side. 体温偏高。 The body temperature was slightly higher than normal. polite expression dialect 用茶饭[used to indicate one has already had one's tea, meal, etc. and will not join one's hosts at theirs]我偏过了。 I’ve eaten already. C. adverb wilfully 他偏不去。 He insists on not going. 他偏要跟我一块走。 He insisted on going with me. 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行




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