

词汇 twitch
twitch | BrE twɪtʃ, AmE twɪtʃ | A. intransitive verb (quiver) «mouth, eyelid, nose» 颤动 chàndòng ; «cheek, muscle» 痉挛 jìngluán ; «person, animal» 抽搐 chōuchù (tug) 急拉 jílā to twitch at sth; 猛拽某物 B. transitive verb 急拉 jílā the dog twitched its ears 狗抖了抖它的耳朵 C. noun (spasm, tic) 痉挛 jìngluán to have a twitch in the corner of one's eye/mouth 眼角/嘴角抽动一下 to give a twitch «mouth» 颤动 chàndòng (tug) 急拉 jílā to give the curtain a twitch 猛地拉一下窗帘




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