

词汇 boiling
boiling | BrE ˈbɔɪlɪŋ, AmE ˈbɔɪlɪŋ | A. adjective attributive (at boiling point) 达到沸点的 dádào fèidiǎn de liquidboiling water kills the bacteria 沸水能杀菌 predicative figurative informal (hot) «weather» 炎热的 yánrè de ; «temperature» 极高的 jí gāo de it's boiling in here ! 这里热极了! I'm boiling! 我热死了! predicative figurative informal (enraged) 很恼火的 hěn nǎohuǒ de to be boiling with rage 怒不可遏 B. adverb 非常 fēicháng a boiling hot day 酷热的一天 the water was boiling hot 水很烫 C. noun uncountable (act of boiling) 沸腾 fèiténg ; (point of boiling) 沸点 fèidiǎn




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