

词汇 bold
bold | BrE bəʊld, AmE boʊld | A. adjective (daring) 大胆的 dàdǎn de ; (courageous) 勇敢的 yǒnggǎn de it was a bold step to take 迈出这一步很勇敢 put on or up a bold front 表现出勇气 (forward, impudent) 冒失的 màoshi de if I may make so bold as to suggest that … formal 恕我冒昧提议… as bold as brass informal 厚颜无耻 (strong, clear) 醒目的 xǐngmù de colour, pattern, underliningpaint with bold strokes of the brush 笔法遒劲地绘画 Printing 黑体的 hēitǐ de bold type/letters 黑体/黑体字 B. noun Printing (also boldface) 黑体 hēitǐ in bold 用黑体 yòng hēitǐ




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