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词汇 weather
weather | BrE ˈwɛðə, AmE ˈwɛðər | A. noun uncountable (meteorological conditions) 天气 tiānqì good or fine weather 好天气 windy/rainy weather 刮风天/下雨天 sunny/cloudy weather 晴天/阴天 weather permitting 天气好的话 in all weathers British 不论天气好坏 whatever the weather 无论如何 under the weather informal 略有不适 to make heavy weather of sth 对某事小题大做 students make such heavy weather of this question 学生们把这个问题弄得太复杂了 weather conditions, the weather situation 天气状况 (adverse meteorological conditions) 恶劣天气 èliè tiānqì to be exposed to the weather 经受日晒雨淋 informal (forecast) the weather 天气预报 tiānqì yùbào B. transitive verb (undergo or cause to undergo change) 使受日晒雨淋 shǐ shòu rì shài yǔ lín buildings weathered by the soot and grime of the industrial revolution 遭受工业革命的煤烟和污垢侵蚀的建筑物 her face has been weathered by the sun 她的脸晒黑了 (withstand) 经受住 jīngshòu zhù gale, upheaval, crisisto weather the storm «ship» 经受住风暴的袭击 figurative «company, government» 平安渡过危机 píng'ān dùguo wēijī C. intransitive verb «rock, timber, paintwork» 遭受日晒雨淋 zāoshòu rì shài yǔ lín




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