

词汇 weave
weave | BrE wiːv, AmE wiv | A. transitive verb past tense wove past participle woven (interlace) zhī wool, silk, cloth, tapestrysome thick mohairs can be difficult to weave 有些粗马海毛很难织 to weave sth together; 将某物织在一起 past tense wove past participle woven (intertwine) biān basket, garlandto weave sth from or out of sth; 用某物编织某物 past tense wove past participle woven Zoology (spin) «spider» jié web past tense wove past participle woven (create from interconnected elements) 编造 biānzào plot, patternto weave one's magic or a spell (on or over sb/sth) (mainly British) (对某人/某物)施展魔力 they're hoping the new manager will be able to weave his magic on the team 他们希望新经理能给球队带来奇迹 past tense wove past participle woven (put together) 编排 biānpái facts, eventsthe biography weaves together the various strands of Einstein’s life 这部传记汇集了爱因斯坦的多条人生轨迹 past tense, past participle weaved (pursue) 沿…迂回前行 yán… yūhuí qiánxíng coursethe river weaves its way across the plain 河流蜿蜒流过平原 she weaved a path towards him through the crowd 她迂回地穿过人群向他走去 B. intransitive verb past tense wove past participle woven (make fabric) 织布 zhī bù past tense, past participle weaved (pursue twisting course) «driver, vehicle, river» 迂回前行 yūhuí qiánxíng to weave in and out; 穿进穿出 the road weaves through a range of hills 这条路在丘陵间绕来绕去 to weave to and fro; 来回穿梭 to get weaving British dated informal 立刻动手 come on, let's get weaving, or we'll be late 快点,我们马上动身吧,要不就晚了 past tense, past participle weaved (sway) «drunk» 摇摇晃晃 yáoyáohuànghuàng ; (dodge) «boxer» 闪避 shǎnbì C. noun countable and uncountable 织法 zhīfǎ open or loose/fine or close weave 针孔稀疏/细密的织法




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