

词汇 ugly
ugly | BrE ˈʌɡli, AmE ˈəɡli | adjective (hideous) 丑陋的 chǒulòu de an ugly sight/building 难看的景象/建筑 to be as ugly as sin informal 非常难看 (vicious) 可怕的 kěpà de scene, incident, news, woundan ugly expression/mood (of person) 骇人的表情/糟糕的情绪 the mood in the room turned ugly 屋里的气氛变得很吓人 to give sb an ugly look 恶狠狠地看某人一眼 an ugly customer informal 难缠的家伙 usually attributive (repugnant) 丑恶的 chǒu'è de ugly rumours 卑劣的谣言 the ugly truth/reality of sth 某事的丑恶真相/现实 the ugly face of racism 种族主义的丑恶面目




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