

词汇 well
well1 | BrE wɛl, AmE wɛl | A. adjective comparative form better superlative form best usually predicative (in good health) 健康的 jiànkāng de are you well? 你身体好吗? how is he? — as well as can be expected 他好吗?──好极了 to be well again 康复 to get well 身体好起来 get well soon! 愿早日康复! he didn't look (at all) well 他看上去身体(很)不好 he's not a well man 他这人身体不好 (in satisfactory state) 好的 hǎo de all is well 一切都好 I hope all is well with you 我希望你万事如意 all being well 如果一切顺利 all being well, I'll be home by six 如果一切顺利,我6点钟之前可以到家 that's all very well, but … 那当然很好,但是… it's all very well to laugh/go on strike, but … 笑起来/罢工倒很容易,可是… (all) well and good 挺好 if you think you can do it, that's well and good 如果你认为你自己能处理,那也好 all's well that ends well proverb 结果好就一切都好 (advisable) 可取的 kěqǔ de it would be just as well (for sb) to do sth; (某人)最好还是做某事 it would be just as well to check 最好还是核实一下 it might be just as well (for sb) to do sth; (某人)还是做某事的好 it might be just as well to telephone 不妨打个电话 (fortunate) 幸运的 xìngyùn de it's just as well (for sb) (that …); (对某人来说)幸好(…) it was just as well for him that the shops were still open 他还算幸运,商店还开着 it's just as well you're not hungry, because … 幸好你不饿,因为… the flight was delayed, which was just as well 幸亏航班推迟了 B. adverb comparative form better superlative form best (satisfactorily) hǎo to work/sleep well 工作好/睡得好 he isn't eating very well 他胃口不好 these scissors cut well 这把剪刀好使 a well-organized conference 组织良好的会议 to be doing well (in good health) 身体健康 (recovering) 正在康复 mother and baby are both doing well (after birth) 母子平安 to leave or let well alone 不管闲事 well done! 干得好! well played! 好球! (successfully) 顺利地 shùnlì de to go well «situation, event» 进展顺利 if all goes well … 如果一切顺利… to work well «system» 运行顺利 to do well «person» 做得好 to do well at school/in an exam 在学校里学习/考试成绩好 he will do well 他会有出息的 to be well out of sth British informal 幸亏未卷入某事 it's a risky business; you're well out of it 这是个危险的行当,幸好你脱身了 (profitably) 有利地 yǒulì de to do (quite) well out of sth; 从某事物中获益(丰厚) to do quite well out of the war 大发战争财 to do well for oneself (get rich) 致富 to do oneself well 养尊处优 (appropriately) 合适地 héshì de to be well judged/matched 判断很准确/很相配 to do well to do sth 做某事很明智 he would do well to remember that … 他最好记住… (kindly) 善意地 shànyì de to treat sb well 对某人友善 to do well by sb dated (treat generously) 对某人很慷慨 (favourably) 赞成地 zànchéng de to speak/think well of sb/sth 对某人/某事说好话/评价高 to be well received/regarded 受到好评/赞赏 (with equanimity) 平静地 píngjìng de to take sth well 平静地接受某事物 to respond well to sth 对某事物反应平静 (completely) 完全地 wánquán de to mix well 充分搅拌 ‘shake well’ (on bottle label) “摇匀” (to high degree) 彻底地 chèdǐ de to know sth/sb well 十分了解某事物/某人 he’s well able to take care of himself 他完全能够自理 to be well worth seeing 很值得一看 well and truly British informal 完全 to be well and truly lost 完全迷路了 to be well up in sth British informal 非常熟悉某事物 (by a large amount) 远远地 yuǎnyuǎn de to be well above/below average 远远高于/低于平均数 to be well over thirty/100 years old 远不止30/100岁 to be well back from the road 远离公路 temperatures are well up in the twenties 温度飙升到了20多度 to go on well into the night 一直持续到深夜 to remain cold well into May 寒冷一直持续到5月 to be active well into one's eighties 一直活跃到80多岁 (probably) 很可能 hěn kěnéng you may (very) well be right 你很可能是对的 it may well be that … 很可能… (easily) 轻易地 qīngyì de she can well afford to pay for it 她完全买得起 I can well believe it! 这事我并不觉得意外! (with good reason) 应该 yīnggāi I can’t very well leave now 我现在离开不太合适 she looked shocked, as well she might 她看上去很震惊,这是理所当然的 how did he get in? — you may well ask! 他是怎么进去的?──你问得好! (as best course of action) [表示最好做某事]we may as well go home 我们还是回家的好 we might just as well have stayed at home 我们当初还不如待在家里 shall I shut the door? — you might as well 我把门关上好吗?──你不妨关上吧 British informal (very) 非常 fēicháng it was well good or well bad! 太好了! C. exclamation (expressing surprise, anger) à [表示惊奇、愤怒]well, really! 啊,真是的! well, who would have thought it! 哎呀,谁会想到那儿去呢! well I never, look who's here! 天哪,看看谁在这儿呀! well, well, well, what have we here? 哎呀,呀,呀,这是什么呀? well, well, well, if it isn't my old friend John! 哟,哟,哟,那不正是我的老朋友约翰吗! (expressing relief, resignation) 好啦 hǎo la [表示宽慰、让步]well, thank goodness that's over! 好啦,谢天谢地,这事总算过去了! well, that's too bad 唉,太倒霉了 oh well, there's nothing I can do about it 算啦,我对此事毫无办法 (expressing uncertainty, dismissiveness) ò [表示不肯定、不感兴趣]well, I think so 哦,我想是吧 she called me a fool — well, so what? 她叫我傻子──哦,那又怎么样? (expressing reluctant agreement) 好吧 hǎo ba [表示勉强同意]well, you may be right 好吧,可能你是对的 well, you have a point, but … 是啊,你有道理,但是… (after pause, continuing thought, in conclusion) 那么 nàme [表示停顿]well, as I was saying, … 嗯,正如我刚才说的,… he said he'd kill himself — well, did he? 他说他要自杀──那么他自杀了吗? well then, what's the problem? 那么,问题出在什么地方呢? (modifying statement) 对了 duìle [表示更正刚说过的话]she is four, well, four and a half to be precise 她4个月,对了,准确地说,是4个半月大 (marking end) 就这样 jiù zhèyàng [表示结束交谈]well, I’d better be going now 就这样,我现在该走了 D. as well adverb phrase is he coming as well? 他也来吗? you know as well as I do … 你和我一样清楚… he already had four dogs, and now he has two cats as well 他已经有4条狗了,现在又有了两只猫 E. as well as preposition phrase 除…之外 chú… zhī wài to work on Saturday as well as on Sunday 星期天和星期六都工作 by day as well as by night 在白天和黑夜 F. as well as conjunction phrase 除…之外 chú… zhī wài you know as well as I do 你我都知道 as well as doing sth; 除做某事之外 to run a business as well as bringing up four children 不仅抚养4个孩子,而且还经营一家公司




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