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词汇 什么
什么 shénme pronoun 表疑问[used before a noun or by itself to indicate who or what]你找什么? What are you looking for? 什么人? Who is it? 我们什么时候出发? When shall we set out? 虚指[used to refer to things indefinite] something, anything 我想吃点什么。 I want to have something to eat. 你在北京有什么亲戚吗? Do you have any relatives in Beijing? 任指[used before 也 or 都 to indicate there is no exception within the limits mentioned] any, every 他什么也不怕。 He is not afraid of anything. 学习比什么都重要。 Nothing is more important than study. 表前者决定后者[used correlatively with another 什么 to indicate that the first one determines the other] whatever 我想什么就说什么。 I’ll say whatever is in my mind. 表惊讶或不满[used to express anger, surprise, censure or negation]什么! 都九点了! What! It’s already nine o’clock! 你装什么哑巴! Stop playing dumb. 你知道什么! What the hell do you know? 表责难[used to express disapproval or disagreement]给你添麻烦了! ──麻烦什么。 Sorry to trouble you so much! — My pleasure. 列举[used to indicate an incomplete list] such as 什么送个信呀,跑个腿啦,他都干得了。 He can do things like delivering letters, running errands and so on.




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