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A. verb 发射launch 发导弹 launch a missile 发炮 fire a cannon 一枪未发 without firing a shot 百发百中, 弹无虚发 产生produce 发芽 sprout 发电, 发声 引发trigger 发动, 发奋, 启发 显现出become 发黄的照片 yellowing photo 气得脸色发青 turn purple with rage 她的嘴唇冻得发青。 Her lips were blue from the cold. 发胖 指感情show one’s feelings 发慈悲 show mercy 发愁, 发怒, 发笑 感到feel 发痒 itch 他两腿发软。 His legs felt weak. 我嘴里发苦。 I have a bitter taste in my mouth. 发晕 财势兴旺flourish 发一笔横财 have a financial windfall 他炒股票发了。 He has made a fortune speculating in shares. 发财, 发家, 暴发户 扩大expand 发达, 发扬, 发展 生长grow 发育 指食物rise 发豆芽 raise bean sprouts 我的蛋糕做坏了,面没发起来。 My cake is a disaster. It hasn’t risen. 出发set out 夕发朝至 start out in the evening and arrive in the morning 来自send off 发自伦敦的报道 news dispatched from London 发兵, 发配, 打发 揭露expose 发掘, 揭发 散开disperse 蒸发 发送give out 发传单 distribute leaflets 发电子邮件 send an email 发工资 pay out wages 发贺电 send a congratulatory telegram 表示express 发牢骚B. measure word [used for ammunition]三发炮弹 three shells 三发子弹 three bullets




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