

词汇 wham
wham | BrE wam, AmE (h)wæm | informal A. exclamation pēng B. transitive verb present participle whamming past tense, past participle whammed 猛击 měng jī person, object; 撞击 zhuàngjī vehicleto wham one's fist into sth 冲某物砸一拳 to wham the door shut 把门摔上 C. intransitive verb present participle whamming past tense, past participle whammed to wham into sb/sth «person» 猛揍某人/猛砸某物 měng zòu mǒu rén/měng zá mǒu wù the cars whammed into the wall/each other 车砰的一声撞上了墙/撞在了一起 D. noun 重击 zhòngjī




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