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1 shànɡ A. noun 高处high place 上部 upper part 往上看 look up 上有老,下有小, 高高在上 皇帝emperor 上谕, 皇上 指地位等级superior 上行下效, 上级, 上将, 犯上作乱 指顺序last time 上次 last time 上周 last week 今年上半年 first half of this year 上集, 上届, 上联 指质量thing of higher rank 上等B. verb 登乘ascend 上船/飞机/火车 board a ship/an aircraft/a train 上楼 go upstairs 上马, 上山 进行advance 上项目 launch a project 见困难就上 face up to difficulties 上升, 扶摇直上 呈递submit 上供, 上书, 上交, 上缴 前往go to 上厕所 go to the toilet 上火线 go to the battle front 你上哪(去)? Where are you going? 上街 达到be up to 比赛吸引了上万观众。 The match attracted over 10,000 spectators. 上年纪, 日上三竿 登台appear on the stage ; 上场enter the court/field 换人! 10号下,8号上。 Substitution: Player No 8 for No 10. 前半场你们五人上。 The five of you will play in the first half. 上场, 上演, 上阵 添加add 上货, 上水 登载be recorded 他的名字上了光荣榜。 His name featured in the roll of honour. 这个故事上了晚间新闻。 The story made the evening news. 上报, 上账 安装fit 上刺刀 fix a bayonet 上螺丝 fix a screw 拧紧tighten 上发条 wind a spring 螺丝没有上紧。 The screw hasn’t been tightened. 涂抹apply 上药 apply medicine 给机器上油 oil the machine 开始do sth at a fixed time 上晚班 work the night shift 上英语课 have an English class 上学 遭遇come across 上当, 上圈套 端送serve 上汤 serve soup 你们要的菜全上齐了。 All the dishes you ordered have been served. 表由低到高move upward 登上山顶 reach the peak 飞上蓝天 soar into the sky 跟上时代步伐 keep up with the times 表结果[used after a verb indicating the attainment of an objective]当上人大代表 be elected as a deputy to the National People’s Congress 考上大学 be admitted to a university 表开始并继续[used after a verb indicating the beginning and continuation of an action]她爱上了一位足球运动员。 She has fallen in love with a football player. 院子里种上了树。 Trees have been planted in the courtyard. 表数量[used after a verb indicating an amount, value or extent reached or to be reached]多呆上几天 stay a few more days 下上几盘象棋 have a few games of chess C. adverb upward 上进, 上涨




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