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词汇 上下
上下 shànɡxià A. noun 所有人everybody 举国上下 whole nation 从上到下up and down 上下打量 look sb up and down 他浑身上下都是血。 He was covered in blood. 高低relative superiority/inferiority 这两个球队难分上下。 It is hard to tell which team is the stronger of the two. 上层和下层high and low 上下脱节 dislocation of higher and lower organizations 不相上下 左右[used after a numeral or numeral-measure word to indicate a rough number]此人五十上下。 This man is about fifty years old. 今天的气温有二十摄氏度上下。 It’s 20°C or so today. B. verb go up and down 楼梯太窄了,上下很不方便。 It’s not easy going up and down these narrow stairs.




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