

词汇 understanding
understanding | BrE ʌndəˈstandɪŋ, AmE ˌəndərˈstændɪŋ | A. noun countable and uncountable (comprehension) 理解 lǐjiě foreign visitors with no understanding of English 不懂英语的外国游客 the committee has little understanding of the problem 委员会对这个问题知之甚少 countable (informal or unspoken agreement) 协议 xiéyì to come to or reach an understanding (with sb) (同某人)达成协议 we have an understanding that nobody talks about work over lunch 我们有个默契,吃午饭时谁也不谈工作 they agreed to the changes on the understanding that they would be introduced gradually 他们同意这些变革,条件是要逐步进行 on that understanding formal 在此条件下 countable and uncountable (sympathy) 体谅 tǐliang we are looking for a better understanding between the two nations 我们正在寻求两国间的进一步了解 we must tackle the problem with understanding 我们必须用谅解来处理这个问题 countable and uncountable (interpretation) 解释 jiěshì the statement is open to various understandings 这个声明有多种诠释 my understanding was that he would find a new supplier 我的看法是他会找到新的供货商 uncountable (powers of reason) 理解力 lǐjiělì to be beyond a child's understanding 超出了儿童的理解力 B. adjective 体谅的 tǐliang de understanding parents 通情达理的父母 to be understanding about sb's position 体谅某人的处境




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