

词汇 apart
apart | BrE əˈpɑːt, AmE əˈpɑrt | A. adverb (at a distance in time or space) 相隔 xiānggé the trees were planted 10 metres apart 这些树每隔10米种一棵 stand with one's feet or legs apart 叉开腿站着 be born 3 years apart 相差3年出生 (living or staying separately from each other) 分开地 fēnkāi de ; (aloof) 疏远地 shūyuǎn de they need to be kept apart 得让他们分开生活 she keeps herself apart from other people 她与其他人保持距离 (to or on one side) 在一边 zài yībiān he took me apart for a quiet talk 他把我带到一边私下谈话 (leaving aside) 除外 chúwài dogs apart, I don't like animals 除了狗,我不喜欢动物 (expressing uniqueness) 与众不同地 yǔ zhòng bù tóng de a race/world apart 独特的种族/世界 his work is in a class apart 他的作品别具一格 (different) 有分歧地 yǒu fēnqí de to be worlds apart from … 与…截然不同 we are very far apart on the subject of immigration 我们对移民问题的看法大相径庭 (in pieces) 零碎地 língsuì de he had the TV apart on the floor 他把电视机放在地板上拆散了 B. apart from preposition phrase (except for) 除了…外(别无) chúle… wài(bié wú) the car was empty apart from the dog 车上空空的,只有这条狗 (in addition to) 除了…外(还有) chúle… wài(hái yǒu) apart from being illegal, it's also dangerous 这事不但违法,还有危险




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