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cónɡ A. verb 跟从follow 师从 be an apprentice to sb 从师, 从众, 盲从 听从listen to 从命, 顺从, 力不从心 依照adopt a certain attitude 从宽/严处理 be lenient/heavy-handed 从轻/重处罚 punish leniently/severely 从长计议, 从简, 从速 参加join 从军, 从事, 投笔从戎B. noun follower 仆从, 侍从, 随从C. adjective 次要secondary 区别主从 distinguish the principal from the subordinate 从犯, 从句 同宗[relationship between cousins, etc.] of the same paternal grandfather or great-grandfather 从父 (paternal)uncle D. preposition from 从北京出发 set off from Beijing 从第一天起 from the first day 从古到今 from ancient times to the present 从零开始 start from scratch 从现在起 from now on 从心坎里 from the bottom of one’s heart 从这往北/东 go north/east from here 从始至终 通过through 从后门进来 come in through the back door 从门前经过 pass the gate 小偷是从窗户进来的。 The thief came in through the window. 根据from 从本质上讲 by nature 从长远看 in the long run 从实际出发 be realistic E. adverb ever 从没听说过 have never heard of 从未




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