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pronoun 人称代词a 男性第三人称作主语he ; 作宾语him ; 所有格his 他父母 his parents 他是我兄弟。 He is my brother. 非他莫属。 No one else is fit for that but him. 给他一本书。 Give him a book. b 泛指[used for sb whose gender is either unknown or unimportant]每个人都有他的长处和短处。 Everyone has their merits and demerits. c 表强调[used in apposition to the subject or a sentence for emphasis]小马他可是个实在人。 Xiao Ma is an honest and trustworthy man. literary 指示代词a 另外的other 别无他求 have no other request 留作他用 reserve for other uses 他人, 他日, 他乡b 其他other things 其他 任指[used in the pattern 你也…,他也… to express the idea of everybody]你也喊,他也叫,教室里一片混乱。 With everyone crying and yelling, the classroom was in a state of chaos. 虚指[used after a verb as a meaningless mock object]查他个一清二楚 make a thorough investigation 好好吃他一顿 have a good meal 再试他一次。 Let’s have another go.




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