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zhī literary A. verb go to 不知君之所之。 I don’t know where you have been. B. pronoun this ; that 之子于归。 The maiden goes to her future home. 指代人或事[used as the object of a verb to refer back to what has been mentioned previously]求之不得, 取而代之C. auxiliary a 表领属或修饰关系[used between an attribute and the word it modifies]百分之五十 fifty per cent 光荣之家 honourable family 千里之外 hundreds of miles away 意料之中 as was expected 赤子之心, 缓兵之计b 表偏正结构[used between the subject and the predicate to turn the original structure into a nominal phrase]世界之大,无奇不有。 This huge world is full of extraordinary things. 他决心之大,令人佩服。 We all admired his great determination. 表虚指[used in certain set phrases without definite designation]不觉手之舞之,足之蹈之 cannot help dancing with joy 久而久之, 总之




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