

词汇 whole
whole | BrE həʊl, AmE hoʊl | A. adjective attributive (entire) 全部的 quánbù de contents, attention, membership; 整个的 zhěnggè de group, cake, area, perioda whole sentence 完整的句子 he has spent his whole life helping others 他一辈子都在帮助别人 we've got three whole weeks holiday! 我们有整整三周的假期! she ate a whole bag of sweets all by herself! 她一个人把整整一包糖全吃光了! whole cities were devastated 整座整座的城市遭到了毁坏 she wasn't telling the whole truth 她没有说出全部真相 his whole body ached 他浑身疼痛 she made the whole thing up 整个事情都是她编造的 this doesn't give the whole picture 这没有给出事情的全貌 the whole country/school/class 全国/全校/全班 the whole (wide) world 全世界 you should be aware of the whole person 你应该了解一个人的方方面面 with one's whole heart 全心全意地 quán xīn quán yì de attributive (emphatic use) [用于强调]a whole range of issues 一系列问题 he's eaten the whole lot by himself! 他自己吃了个一干二净! that goes for the whole lot of you! 这对你们个个都适用! a whole lot of money 许多许多的钱 you don't like him a whole lot, do you? informal 你不怎么喜欢他,是吗? I'm feeling a whole lot better now 我现在感觉好多了 the whole point (of sth) (某事的)全部意义 you can't leave whenever you feel like it! that's the whole point! 你不能想离开就离开!这是关键! that's the whole point of the exercise 这项练习的全部意义就在于此 (intact) 完整的 wánzhěng de after the party there wasn't a single glass left whole 聚会结束后,一个完好的杯子都没有剩下 you're very lucky to have got out whole or with your skin whole 你毫发无损,真是幸运 to swallow/cook/roast sth whole 将某物囫囵吞下/整个烹煮/整个烘烤 B. adverb informal 完全 wánquán a whole new era/way of life 全新的时代/生活方式 C. noun (total unit) 整体 zhěngtǐ the whole is greater than any of its parts 整体大于部分 a complete/undivided whole 完整的/不可分割的整体 as a whole (not in separate parts) 作为整体 (overall) 总体上 this will benefit society as a whole 这将造福整个社会 on the whole 大体上 (all) 全部 quánbù the whole of sth; 某物的全部 we spent the whole of August/the school holidays abroad 我们整个八月/学校假期都在国外度过 there wasn't a grain of truth in the whole of his account 他的全部陈述中没有一句是真实的 the whole of London is talking about it! 全伦敦都在谈论这件事! in whole or in part 全部地或者部分地




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