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词汇 widely
widely | BrE ˈwʌɪdli, AmE ˈwaɪdli | adverb (extensively) 范围广地 fànwéi guǎng de range, spreadshe has travelled widely or is widely travelled 她游历甚广 they forage widely in search of food 他们到处搜寻食物 widely scattered farms 稀稀拉拉散布的农场 she reads widely on a number of topics 她涉猎多个学科,博览群书 the event was widely publicized 这一事件被广泛报道 (at a distance) 相距远地 xiāngjù yuǎn de plantedwidely spaced huts 间距很远的小屋 figurative (significantly) 显著地 xiǎnzhù de differentour beliefs differ widely 我们的信仰迥异 (commonly) 普遍地 pǔbiàn de acknowledged, heldit is widely accepted/believed that … 人们普遍认可/认为… she is widely regarded as an expert in the field 她被普遍认为是这一领域的专家 this product is now widely available 该产品现在大量供应 to be widely known for sth 因为某事物而广为人知 mosquitoes are widely known to transmit malaria 众所周知,蚊子传播疟疾




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