

词汇 unite
unite | BrE juːˈnʌɪt, AmE juˈnaɪt | A. transitive verb 使联合 shǐ liánhé to unite the country 使国家团结 they are united by their love of cars 对车的喜爱使他们走到一起 to unite sth and or with sth; 使某物与某物联合 an artistic work which unites freedom and or with discipline 将自由创作与规范结合在一起的艺术作品 B. intransitive verb 联合 liánhé to unite against sb/sth; 联合起来反对某人/某事 to unite behind sb; 团结支持某人 to unite with sb to do sth; 联合某人做某事 to unite in sth; 在某事中团结一致 the two parties united in opposing or to oppose the measure 两党联合反对该议案 workers of the world, unite! 全世界劳动者,联合起来!




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