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yòu adverb 表重复[used for the repetition and continuation of an actual action happening again]他把机器装了又拆,拆了又装。 He repeatedly took the machine apart and then reassembled it. 他的哮喘病又犯了。 He has had another attack of asthma. 我们取得了一个又一个的胜利。 We have won one victory after another. 表同时存在[expressing the coexistence of several conditions or qualities] both… 又便宜又好 be cheap but good 母亲生病后,父亲既当爹又当妈。 When Mother was sick in bed, Father acted as both father and mother to us. 她有一头又长又密的黑发。 She has very long, thick black hair. 表更进一层moreover 那又是另一回事。 That is something else again. 她人漂亮,而且又聪明。 She is beautiful and furthermore she is intelligent. 表补充in addition to 工资之外,他又挣了不少版税。 In addition to his salary, he earns a lot from royalties. 表零数[used between a whole number and a fraction] and 十小时又五分钟 ten hours and five minutes 一又二分之一 one and a half 表转折but 我想去,又怕没时间. I’d like to go, but I’m not sure if I can find the time. 我想把实情告诉他,又怕他听了后难过。 I want to tell him the situation but am afraid that once he hears about it he’ll be upset. 表强调[used in a negative statement or a rhetorical question for emphasis]如果这是真的又怎样呢? What if it’s true? 再说,他那些话又有什么价值呢? Then again, what do his fine words amount to?




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