词汇 | 反 |
释义 | 反 fǎn A. verb ① (翻转) turn over → 物极必反, 易如反掌② (回) return, counter → 反击, 反问③ (反抗) oppose ▸ 反战宣言 anti-war proclamation ▸ 反政府示威 anti-government demonstration ▸ 反走私 combat smuggling → 反腐④ (背叛) rebel (against) ▸ 反贼 rebels ⑤ (类推) generalize → 举一反三⑥ (不符) breach → 反常B. adjective reverse ▸ 正反两面穿的夹克 reversible jacket ▸ 他把毛衣穿反了。 He wore his sweater inside out. → 反话, 反面, 反锁C. adverb on the contrary ▸ 害人反害己 be hoist with one’s own petard ▸ 他不但不做自我批评,反怪罪别人。 Not only did he not take the blame himself but on the contrary he laid it elsewhere. D. noun ① (反动分子) reactionary ▸ 镇反 suppress the counter-revolutionaries ② → 反切 fǎnqiè |
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