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1 xià A. noun 低处low position or rank 零下10度 ten degrees below zero 从桥下通过 pass beneath a bridge 上有老,下有小 have both parents and children to support 在山脚下 at the foot of a mountain 结果/摘要如下。 The result/excerpt is as follows. 上有天堂,下有苏杭, 自下而上 表属于一定范围、条件等[used to indicate circumstance, extent, situation, etc.]在非常困难的情况下 under very difficult conditions 在交警的帮助下 with the help of the traffic policemen 在专家组的领导下 under the leadership of the expert group 表方向或方位[used after numerals, indicating position or direction]他把头伸出去,四下里看了看。 He poked his head out and took a look around. 他俩下里都反对。 Both of them opposed it. 普天之下 表当某个时间或时节[used to indicate a certain time or season]节下, 时下, 眼下B. adjective 处于低处lower 下嘴唇 lower lip 下层, 下游, 下肢 时间、顺序在后next 看下一场比赛 watch the next match 下个星期/世纪 next week/century 下一章/一站 next chapter/stop 下一步需要做的是找所房子。 The next step is to find a house. 等级低lower 分为上、中、下三等 be divided into three grades: the upper, the middle and the lower 下属




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