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2 xià verb 低于[usu used in the negative] be less than 受伤者不下五十人。 There were no less than fifty wounded. 从高到低go down 下车 get out of a car 下床 get out of bed 下楼 go downstairs 下山 come down a mountain go down to 下车间 go down to a workshop 下厨房 go into the kitchen to cook 下基层 go down to the grass roots 南下广州 go down to Guangzhou 发布issue 下命令 issue orders 下通知 send out notices 下逐客令 show sb the door 离开leave 下火线 retreat from the front line 客队要求换人:3号上,7号下。 The visiting team is requesting to substitute No 3 for No 7. 演出结束后从后门下。 After the performance, please exit from the back door. 下岗 结束stop 下夜班 come off the night shift 下班, 下课 降水fall 下霜。 There is frost. 毛毛雨下个不停。 A fine drizzle keeps falling. 雨下了一夜。 Rain came down all night. 下雨 使用begin to use 下刀 stick a knife into sth 下力气 exert oneself 下笔, 下毒手 放入put into 下面条 put noodles into boiling water 下网 cast a net 下种 sow a field with seeds 下佐料 put in condiments 进行play 下盘棋 have a game of chess 取下take down 把门下下来 take down a door 下俘虏的枪 disarm a captive 下货 unload the cargo 生产give birth to 刚下的蛋 newly laid egg 母猪要下崽了。 The sow is about to give birth. 下蛋 做出give 下定义 give a definition 下结论 draw a conclusion 下判断 form an opinion 攻陷capture 连下数城 capture several cities in succession 退让give in 双方相持不下。 Neither side would give in. Computing download




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