

词汇 divest
divest | BrE dʌɪˈvɛst,dɪˈvɛst, AmE dəˈvɛst,daɪˈvɛst | formal A. transitive verb (deprive, dispossess) 剥夺 bōduó to divest sb of sth; 剥夺某人的… power, rights, property (deprive of quality) 使失去 shǐ shīqù this production divests the play of its charm 这一制作使该剧魅力尽失 B. reflexive verb to divest oneself to divest oneself of sth 脱掉 clothing 摆脱 bǎituō beliefs, ideas to divest itself Finance, Business to divest itself of (sell, dispose of) 处理掉 chǔlǐ diào the company divested itself of 45 per cent of its assets 公司出售了45%的资产




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