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词汇 下去
下去 xiàqù verb 去低处go down 从山上下去 go down the mountain 水很深,你敢下去吗? Dare you go into such deep water? 去基层[of officials of higher ranks or positions] go down 省长每年都要下去搞调查。 The governor goes down to the grass roots to make investigations every year. 离职step down 乐意下去,把位子让给年轻人 be willing to step aside in favour of a younger person 离场make an exit 从舞台上下去 go offstage 这位篮球运动员受伤下去了。 The basketball player got injured and went off the court. 消退return to a normal state 他的气下去了吗? Has he calmed down yet? 病人的烧下去了。 The patient’s fever is down. 消化digest 表动作趋向[used after a verb, indicating a motion away from a higher place to a lower one or from the near to the far]把犯人押下去 take the convict away 把药咽下去 get the medicine down 洪水退下去了。 The flood has receded. 表动作延续[used after a verb, indicating the continuation of an action]继续干下去 keep on working 请讲下去。 Please carry on what you were saying. 再争吵下去,对谁都没有好处。 It is in nobody’s interests to continue arguing. 仗会一直打下去。 The fighting will continue. 表状态延续发展[used after an adjective, indicating an increasing degree]瘦下去 get thinner and thinner 选举失败后,她就消沉下去了。 She got increasingly despondent after her defeat in the election.




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