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ɡuān A. verb 合拢close 关抽屉 shut a drawer 把门窗关好 secure the doors and windows 使不出来shut away 把某人关进监狱 put sb behind bars 老虎被关在笼子里。 The tiger is imprisoned in a cage. 倒闭shut down 由于缺乏资金,商店只好关了。 The shop had to be shut down because of funds. 使停止工作turn off 关电视 switch off the television 关灯 turn off the light 牵涉involve 有关人员 people concerned 这不关你的事。 It has nothing to do with you. 关心, 关照 dated 发放issue or receive payment 关饷B. noun 关口mountain pass figurative 把好质量关 guarantee quality 关口, 过关 山海关Shanhaiguan Pass 关东, 关内 关厢area just outside a city gate 城关 海关customs 通关 go through customs 关税, 报关, 海关 指环节difficulty 产量突破百万大关 boost production over the million mark 在国外求学,首先要过语言关。 Language is the first barrier to be crossed when studying abroad. 指时间critical juncture 关键, 关节, 关头




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