

词汇 unlikely
unlikely | BrE ʌnˈlʌɪkli, AmE ˌənˈlaɪkli | adjective (unexpected) 不大可能的 bù dà kěnéng de highly or most unlikely 极不可能的 it is/is not unlikely that … …是不大可能的/…并非不可能 to be unlikely to do sth; 不大可能做某事 in the unlikely event of his refusing … 万一他拒绝… (strange) 想不到的 xiǎngbudào de a very unlikely couple 很不般配的一对 (probably untrue) 不大可信的 bù dà kěxìn de an unlikely story 不太真实的报道 (not likely to succeed) 不大可能会成功的 bù dà kěnéng huì chénggōng de the most unlikely men have been successful here 最不可能成功的人在这里都获得了成功




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