

词汇 contrary
contrary1 | BrE ˈkɒntrəri, AmE ˈkɑntrɛri | A. adjective (opposing) 相反的 xiāngfǎn de points of view, ideasto be contrary to the general belief 与一般的看法相反 (opposite) 逆向的 nìxiàng de to travel in contrary directions 逆向行驶 to be contrary to sth; 与某物逆向 contrary to sth (despite) 尽管… jǐnguǎn… contrary to popular belief 不管大家怎么想 bùguǎn dàjiā zěnme xiǎng B. noun 相反情况 xiāngfǎn qíngkuàng quite the contrary, on the contrary 恰恰相反 claims/evidence to the contrary 相反的说法/证据




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