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词汇 wildness
wildness | BrE ˈwʌɪldnəs, AmE ˈwaɪldnəs | noun uncountable (lack of discipline) (of person, life, party) 狂放不羁 kuángfàng bù jī ; (of play) 粗野 cūyě ; (of blow, shot, aim) 胡乱 húluàn he got sent off for the wildness of his tackle on the striker 他因为以粗野动作踢铲对方前锋被罚下场 (lack of restraint) (of laughter, emotions) 无节制 wújiézhì I was alarmed by the wildness in his eyes 他那狂野的眼神吓了我一跳 (turbulence) (of night, weather) 狂风暴雨 kuángfēng bàoyǔ ; (of wind, waves) 狂暴 kuángbào (desolateness) 荒凉 huāngliáng (extravagance) (of idea, imagination) 异想天开 yì xiǎng tiān kāi ; (of guess) 无根据 wúgēnjù (of animals, plants) 野生 yěshēng in a state of wildness 处于野生状态 (lack of civilization) 未开化 wèi kāihuà




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