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词汇 win
win | BrE wɪn, AmE wɪn | A. intransitive verb present participle winning past tense, past participle won 获胜 huòshèng who is winning? 现在谁占上风? to win at cards/chess/golf 在纸牌/国际象棋/高尔夫比赛中获胜 to win against sb/sth; 战胜某人/某事物 to win by a length 以一个身位获胜 to win by a whisker 险胜 you win! 你赢了! you (just) can't win 一点辙都没有 win or lose 不管输赢 it's a win or lose situation 这是一个非赢即输的状况 to play to win 志在必得 to win, place, and show US [赛马骑师] 悠着点 B. transitive verb present participle winning past tense, past participle won (gain victory in) 在…中获胜 zài… zhōng huòshèng war, match, argument, betI expect to win the race 我想这次比赛我能赢 you can't win them all informal 鱼和熊掌不能兼得 (you) win some, (you) lose some informal 有所得就有所失 (obtain by victory) 赢得 yíngdé prize, medal, scholarship, votes; 夺取 duóqǔ city, areathe army failed to win the ridge 军队没能拿下这座山脊 to win sth from sb; 从某人处赢取某物 they won the election from the Conservatives 他们击败保守党,赢得了选举 she won £25 off me at cards 她打牌赢了我25英镑 you've won yourself a trip to New York 你赢得了一次去纽约的旅行 (acquire) 获得 huòdé approval, sympathy, admiration, promotionwe won support from all sides 我们获得了各个方面的支持 to win sb's love/affection 获得某人的爱 to win sb's hand dated 向某女子求婚成功 to win sb's heart 赢得某人的心 to win the day 得胜 C. noun (victory) 胜利 shènglì to have a win against or over sb (in sth) (在某事上)赢某人 to have a win on the horses 赌马获胜 to back sth for a win 赌某物获胜 (amount won) 奖金 jiǎngjīn a £30,000 win in the lottery 在乐透彩中赢得的3万英镑奖金 PHRASAL VERBS win back transitive verb [win sb/sth back, win back sb/sth] 重新获得 chóngxīn huòdé support, respectwill you be able to win the money back from him? 你能够从他那里把钱赢回来吗? they won back the territory from the invaders 他们从入侵者手中夺回了这片领土 win out intransitive verb 胜出 shèngchū we'll win out in the end 我们将最终获胜 to win out over adversity 战胜逆境 win over, win round transitive verb [win sb over, win over sb] 说服 shuōfú to win sb over to sth/doing sth; 说服某人同意某事/做某事 win through intransitive verb 摆脱困境 bǎituō kùnjìng




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