

xiān A. noun 在前first 争先恐后, 有言在先, 先锋, 先例 literary 先人forefather 不辱其先 not bring disgrace to one’s ancestor 祖先 informal 先前beginning 我先还以为她在开玩笑。 At first I thought she was joking. B. adjective term of respect late 先师 my late teacher 先烈C. adverb 首先first 先拟个提纲 work out an outline first 他比我先到。 He arrived earlier than I did. 主队先入一球。 The home team scored a goal first. 暂时temporarily 你先凑合着用吧! Just make do with it for the time being. 你先请坐,她马上就会回来。 Take a seat please! She will be back in a minute. 你散会后先别走。 Please don’t go after the meeting is over.




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