

1 auxiliary literary 用于强调[used at the end of a sentence indicating affirmation or used at the end of a question or an exclamatory sentence for emphasis]夫子曰:“小子识之,苛政猛于虎也!” Confucius said, ‘You young people should know that tyranny is fiercer than a tiger!’ 见义不为,无勇也。 To see what is right and not to do it is to lack courage. 后生可畏,焉知来者之不如今也? Respect the young. How do you know that they will not one day be all that you are now? 表停顿[used in the middle of a sentence, marking off a sentence element about which there is to be a statement]民之于仁也,甚于水火。 Goodness is more to the people than water and fire.




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