

词汇 conversion
conversion | BrE kənˈvəːʃ(ə)n, AmE kənˈvərʒən | noun uncountable and countable (of vehicle, appliance, raw material) 转变 zhuǎnbiàn the conversion of sth to or into sth; 从某物到某物的转变 the conversion of light into electricity 光电转化 uncountable and countable (of measurement, weight) 换算 huànsuàn ; (of currency) 兑换 duìhuàn uncountable (of building) 改建 gǎijiàn countable British (building) 改建的房屋 gǎijiàn de fángwū uncountable and countable Religion, Politics 皈依 guīyī to undergo a conversion to Buddhism 转而皈依佛教 countable Sport 附加得分 fùjiā défēn




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