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词汇 下来
下来 xiàlái verb 指从高处come down 从楼上下来 come downstairs 他不好好学习,最近成绩下来了。 He hasn’t been studying hard recently and his marks have dropped. 指从上级部门come down to a lower-level government office 中央下来了一个检查组。 An inspection group came down from the central government. 收获be in season 再有半个月桃就下来了。 Peaches will be in season in another half a month. 时间结束come to an end 一年下来,她学完了八门功课。 After a year’s study she completed eight courses. 指动作趋向[used after a verb to indicate a movement from a higher position to a lower position or from far to near]掉下来 fall down 记下来 take down 跳下来 jump down 把李子从树上摘下来。 Pick the plums off the tree. 指动作延续[used after a verb to indicate a continuation from the past to the present or from the beginning to the end]坚持下来 stick things out 一代一代传下来 hand down from generation to generation 指动作完成[used after a verb to indicate the completion or result of an action]把车停下来 bring a car to a stop 风停了下来。 The wind dropped. 我们的计划批下来了。 Our plan has been approved. 指状态持续[used after an adjective to indicate decrease of intensity]安静下来 quiet down 灯光在渐渐暗下来。 The lights are dimming. 我对他的热情淡下来了。 My enthusiasm for him cooled off.




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