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词汇 within
within | BrE wɪðˈɪn, AmE wəˈðɪn,wəˈθɪn | A. preposition (enclosed in) 在…里面 zài… lǐmian within the city walls 在城墙里面 conditions within the prison 监狱里的条件 the spread of fire within the building 火在大楼里的蔓延 a play within a play 一场戏中戏 (inside organization) 在…内部 zài… nèibù infighting within the party 党内的斗争 countries within the EU 欧盟国家 (inside self) 在…内心 zài… nèixīn anger surged up within me 我怒火中烧 (in expressions of time) 在…内 zài… nèi within the hour 一小时内 to die within a week of each other 在一周内相继去世 to finish within the time limit 在规定的时间内完成 to live within minutes of the station 住在离车站几分钟路程的地方 (inside range or scope of) 在…范围内 zài… fànwéi nèi within a 2 km radius 在方圆2公里的范围内 within this price range 在这个价格范围内 to be accurate to within a millimetre 误差不超过一毫米 to keep within the speed limit 不超速 sth is within sight/range 某物在视线/范围内 to write within the Victorian tradition 遵循维多利亚时代传统写作 (inside limit of) 在…的限度内 zài… de xiàndù nèi within the limitations of the treaty 符合条约规定 to be within one's rights to refuse 有权拒绝 within the law 合法 to live within one's income or means 量入为出 B. adverb (in inner part) 在里面 zài lǐmian from within 从里面 no sound came from within 里面未传出任何声音 within and without 里里外外 ‘enquire within’ “请入内询洽” (inside area, organization) 在内部 zài nèibù to come from within the city/country 来自城内/国内 to promote people from within 提拔自己人 (inside self) 在内心 zài nèixīn beauty coming from within 内在美




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