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bāo A. verb wrap 包饺子 make jiaozi用薄纸把瓷器包起来 pack china in tissue paper 总括include 包含, 包括 藏有cover 包藏祸心 全面负责take on everything 把工程包给一家建筑公司 contract a project out to a building company 这事包在我身上。 Just leave it all to me. 包产, 承包 担保assure 包你满意。 Satisfaction guaranteed. 商品包退。 All goods are sold with a refund guarantee. 打包票 专用charter 包一条船/一架飞机 charter a ship/plane 围拢surround 包围B. noun 包裹package 软件包 software package 红包, 邮包, 炸药包 袋子bag 把包寄存起来 check in one’s bag 塑料包 plastic bag 麻包, 书包 肿块swelling 额头上有个包 have a bump on one’s forehead 头上撞个包 get a bump on the head 帐篷yurt 蒙古包C. measure word packet 两包大米 two sacks of rice 一包饼干 a packet of biscuits 他一天抽一包烟。 He smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.




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