

词汇 dirt
dirt | BrE dəːt, AmE dərt | noun uncountable (dirty substance) 尘垢 chéngòu to wash the dirt off one's face 洗掉脸上的污垢 to show the dirt 显脏 to treat sb like dirt 怠慢某人 (soil) 泥土 nítǔ a pile of dirt 一堆土 euphemistic (faeces) 粪便 fènbiàn informal derogatory (gossip) 流言蜚语 liúyán fēiyǔ to dig up dirt on … 挖出…的丑闻 to dish the dirt on or about sb 说某人的闲话 to fling or throw dirt (at sb) 中伤(某人) (spoken obscenities) 下流话 xiàliúhuà ; (written obscenities) 色情描写 sèqíng miáoxiě




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