

词汇 upstairs
upstairs | BrE ʌpˈstɛːz, AmE ˌəpˈstɛrz | A. adverb (on higher floor) 在楼上 zài lóushang ; (to higher floor) 往楼上 wǎng lóushang to go upstairs 走上楼去 the family upstairs 楼上的人家 informal figurative (to more senior post) 往更高职位 wǎng gèng gāo zhíwèi he's been moved upstairs 他高升了 to kick sb upstairs 让某人明升暗降 informal (in the mind) 在头脑里 zài tóunǎo li he hasn't got much upstairs 他脑子不好使 B. noun 楼上 lóushang there was no social contact between upstairs and downstairs 楼上与楼下之间没有交往 C. adjective attributive 在楼上的 zài lóushang de an upstairs room/bedroom 楼上的房间/卧室




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