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1 A. verb 离开leave 去世, 去职 literary 距离be apart from in space or time 去今六十余年 more than 60 years ago 两国相去万里。 The two countries are ten thousand li apart. 失掉lose 光阴一去不复返。 Time once lost is never regained. 大势已去 除掉get rid of 去头屑 get rid of dandruff 去污渍 remove stains 去粗取精, 去火, 掐头去尾 euphemistic 过世die 爷爷先奶奶去了。 Granddad passed away before grandma. 前往go to 从北京去上海 leave Beijing for Shanghai 她以前去过那里。 She has been there before. 我给他去了一封信。 I sent him a letter. 去处, 去向 表目的[used after a verbal phrase or prepositional phrase and before another verbal phrase or verb, indicating purpose] go in order to do sth 拿斧头去砍树 use an axe to cut a tree 上街去买菜 go to the market to buy some vegetables 表去做某事[used at the end of a sentence after a verb or verbal phrase, indicating purpose] go in order to do sth 他听讲座去了。 He went to the lecture. 她上图书馆借书去了。 She has gone to the library to borrow books. a 表运动方向[used after a verb, indicating motion away from the speaker]回家去 go home 朝大门外跑去 run towards the gate b 表动作结果[used after a verb, indicating that sb/sth is no longer in its original place]把这些话删去。 Leave out these words. 她的父母相继死去。 Her parents died one after the other. c 表动作持续[used after a verb, indicating the continuation of an action, etc.]让他玩去。 Let him go on playing. 随他说去。 Let him say whatever he likes. B. adjective previous 去冬今春 last winter and this spring 去年C. adverb dialect extremely 操场上的人多了去了。 There are quite a lot of people at the playground. 这几年变化可大了去了。 There have been great changes these last few years. D. = 去声 qùshēnɡ




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