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2 A. conjunction literary 表顺承[used to indicate sequence]暑往则寒来。 As summer goes, so winter comes. 表因果[used to indicate cause and effect, condition, etc.]穷则思变, 欲速则不达 literary 表对比[used to indicate contrast]旧的制度已经腐朽,新的制度则如旭日东升。 The old system is rotten to the core while the new one is as brilliant and vigorous as the rising sun. 表让步[used between two identical words to indicate concession]好则好,只是太贵。 It’s good but it’s too expensive. B. adverb literary [used as the copula]此则余之过也。 This is my fault. C. auxiliary [used to list reasons, preceded by 一,二 or 三]我不想再走了,一则力乏,二则脚痛,三则没必要这么匆忙。 I do not feel like going on any more. Firstly, I am tired; secondly, my feet hurt; thirdly, there is no need to hurry.




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