

shì A. noun 事情thing 这事不容易办。 This is no easy job. 大家事大家管。 Public affairs are everybody’s affairs. 跟你说件事。 I have something to tell you. 今日事今日毕。 Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 那是另一回事。 That’s another matter. 什么事? What’s up? 公事, 国事, 好人好事 工作work 谋个事look for a job 做事 do work 差事 事故trouble 惹事 make trouble 平安无事。 All is well. 出事 责任responsibility 靠交罚金了事 get off with a fine 不关我的事。 It has nothing to do with me. B. verb literary 侍奉serve 事父母 wait upon one’s parents 从事be engaged in 不事生产 lead an idle life 大事宣传 launch a vigorous propaganda campaign 无所事事




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