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词汇 二十四节气
二十四节气 èrshísì jiéqì noun the twenty-four solar terms 二十四节气The solar terms mark 24 evenly-spaced points in the Chinese solar calendar. Starting from the Spring Equinox (at 0° longitude, when the sun is directly above the equator), each 15° advance of the sun along the ecliptic marks a solar term. Solar terms are traditionally used to help farmers determine when to plant and harvest crops according to changes in the weather. For example, the 6th solar term, Grain Rain (谷雨), marks the time in the year that rain starts to fall. The dates of the terms are fixed. The Beginning of Spring (立春), for example, always occurs between the 3rd and the 5th of February. The 24 solar terms are, in order: 立春, 雨水, 惊蛰, 春分, 清明, 谷雨, 立夏, 小满, 芒种, 夏至, 小暑, 大暑, 立秋, 处暑,白露, 秋分, 寒露, 霜降, 立冬, 小雪, 大雪, 冬至, 小寒, 大寒.




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