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词汇 use
use A. noun | BrE juːs, AmE jus | countable and uncountable (act of utilizing) 使用 shǐyòng ; (state of being utilized) 被使用 bèi shǐyòng the use of force 武力的使用 a room for use as a library 用作资料室的房间 textbooks for use in universities 大学用的课本 the bar is for the use of members only 这个酒吧仅向会员开放 for external use only Pharmacology 限外敷 to make use of the most modern technologies 利用最现代的技术 we could make better use of our resources 我们可以更有效地利用我们的资源 to get good or a lot of use out of sth 大量使用某物 to put sth to good use 有效利用某物 the car gets regular use 这辆车经常开 the chapel was built in the 12th century and is still in use today 这座小教堂建于12世纪,今天仍在使用 to come into/go out of use 开始/停止使用 countable and uncountable (purpose of utilizing) 用途 yòngtú ; (way of utilizing) 用法 yòngfǎ the many uses of a hairpin 发夹的多种用途 have you any use for this jug? 这个罐子你有什么用吗? maybe we can find a use for him in the kitchen 也许我们能在厨房给他找点事儿干 to have no use for sb/sth (not need) 不需要某人/某事物 (dislike) 不喜欢某人/某事物 to have one's/its uses informal 有自己的用处/有其用场 uncountable (right to avail oneself of sth) 使用权 shǐyòngquán I have the use of the car this week 这辆车本周归我用 uncountable (mental or physical ability) 功能 gōngnéng to lose/regain the use of one's arms/legs 失去/恢复手臂/双腿的功能 uncountable (usefulness) 有用 yǒuyòng ; (value) 价值 jiàzhí ; (advantage) 益处 yìchu to be of use (to sb); (对某人)有用 can I be of any use? 我能帮什么忙吗? to be (of) no use (to sb) (对某人)没用 to be no use at sth/doing sth informal 不擅长某事/做某事 what's the use of crying? 哭有什么用? it's or there's no use complaining 抱怨是没用的 uncountable (of drug) 吸毒 xīdú widespread drug use 普遍的吸毒行为 B. transitive verb | BrE juːz, AmE juz | (employ, say or write) 使用 shǐyòng word, language; derogatory (exploit) 利用 lìyòng personcan I use your phone? 我能用一下你的电话吗? how often do you use the bus? 你多长时间坐一次公交车? use your initiative! 自己想办法! he's only using it as an excuse 他只是拿它当托词 police used tear gas to disperse the crowds 警察动用了催泪瓦斯驱散人群 the blue files are used for storing old invoices 蓝色卷宗是用来存放旧发票的 use your head or British loaf! 你动动脑子! I have some information you may be able to use 我有一些可能对你有用的信息 he's just using you 他只是在利用你 I felt used 我感到被利用了 (consume) 消耗 xiāohào this type of heater uses a lot of electricity 这种取暖器耗电量很大 he's used all the water 他把水全用完了 (call oneself by) 自称 zìchēng she uses her maiden name 她用自己的娘家姓 (desire, need) he could use a wash informal 他很想洗一洗 tā hěn xiǎng xǐ yī xǐ I could use a drink! 我真想喝上一杯! (take habitually) 吸食 xīshí drugs archaic (treat) 对待 duìdài to use sb well/ill 善待/恶劣对待某人 PHRASAL VERB use up transitive verb [use sth up, use up sth] 用尽 yòngjìn the money was soon used up 钱很快就用光了




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