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词汇 work
work | BrE wəːk, AmE wərk | A. noun uncountable (activities, tasks) 工作 gōngzuò ; (labour) 劳动 láodòng research work 研究工作 the work of the Red Cross 红十字会的工作 work done by machines 机器干的工作 manual/intellectual work 手工/脑力劳动 light/heavy work 轻/重活儿 to go to or get to work 开始工作 to go to or get (down) to or set to work on sth/doing sth 着手某事/做某事 to put sb to work (on sth/doing sth) 安排某人做(某)工作 to make work for sb 给某人找麻烦 to put work into sth 在某事物上花功夫 the house needs a lot of work doing British or done US to it 这房子得好好收拾一番 to be at work (on sth) 忙着(做某事) secret forces were at work 秘密势力在作祟 work in hand 手头的工作 cut out A1, devil 1, play C1 uncountable (employment) 职业 zhíyè full-time/part-time work 全职/兼职工作 to be out of work 失业 to stop work (for the day) 收工 (retire) 退休 work clothes 工作服 gōngzuòfú uncountable (place of employment) 工作场所 gōngzuò chǎngsuǒ to go to/leave work 上班/下班 to leave for work 去上班 to be off work 没上班 to arrive at or get to work 到达工作场所 don't ring me at work 我工作的时候别给我打电话 I left my bag at work 我把包落在上班的地方了 uncountable (materials, papers) 工作材料 gōngzuò cáiliào to take one's work into the garden 把活儿带到花园里做 to bring work home from the office 把办公室的事情带回家做 to take up/put down one's work 拿起/放下手头的活计 uncountable (achievements) 工作成果 gōngzuò chéngguǒ ; (products) 产品 chǎnpǐn sb's life's work 某人一生的成果 the work of craftsmen 手艺人做的活计 is this all your own work? 这全是你一个人做的吗? to mark students' work 给学生的作业打分 countable (piece of art) 作品 zuòpǐn sb's latest/last/early work 某人的最新/最后/早期作品 the works of Schubert 舒伯特的作品 a work of genius/fiction 天才/虚构的作品 a work of reference 参考书 a new work on Elizabethan poetry 有关伊丽莎白时代诗歌的一部新作 uncountable (what is done by sb) 作为 zuòwéi he will be remembered for his work 他将因其作为而名留青史 I hope you're pleased with your work ironic 我希望你对自己的所作所为感到满意 good work! 干得漂亮! the work of sb; 某人的手笔 uncountable Physics gōng B. works plural noun plus singular verb (mainly British) (factory) 工厂 gōngchǎng works canteen 工厂食堂 (building work) 工程 gōngchéng public works 公共工程 Military (defence) works (防御)工事 (fángyù)gōngshì Religion good works 善行 shànxíng the (full or whole) works informal (everything) 全套物品 quántào wùpǐn C. intransitive verb (engage in activity, occupation, task) 工作 gōngzuò to work at the hospital 在医院工作 to work 8 hours a day 一天工作8小时 to work full-time/part-time 做全职/兼职工作 to work as sth 在某岗位工作 to work at or on sth 致力于某事物 he's working at his essay 他在忙着写论文 to work on one's lecture 准备讲座 police are working on the case 警方正在查办这个案子 to work on a problem 着手处理某问题 to work for sb/a company 受雇于某人/某公司 to work for a living 为谋生工作 to work under/with sb 在某人手下/和某人一起工作 to work in publishing/TV 从事出版/电视工作 to work on the principle that … 根据…的原则行事 to work to rule (mainly British) 按章工作 àn zhāng gōngzuò (strive) 努力 nǔlì to work at or doing sth 努力做某事 to work against/for sth 努力反对/争取某事物 to work against corruption 与腐败作斗争 to work on sb informal 努力说服某人 to work towards sth 努力争取 solution (function) «institution, system» 运转 yùnzhuǎn to work on electricity/gas 利用电力/燃气运行 the machine works by electricity 这台机器是电动的 the lift doesn't work 电梯坏了 the bell isn't working properly 电铃有故障 my brain is not working informal 我的脑子不好使 (act, operate) «person, situation, action» 起作用 qǐ zuòyòng to work both ways 产生两方面的作用 to work in sb's favour or to sb's advantage 对某人有利 to work against sb or to sb's disadvantage 对某人不利 it doesn't or things don't work like that 情况并不是那样 (be successful) «plan, treatment, spell, persuasion» 奏效 zòuxiào these pills aren't working 这些药片不管用 the adaptation really works 改编得很成功 to work on sb/sth 对某人/某事物有效 his charm doesn't work on me 他的魅力对我不起作用 such arguments don't work on most people 这样的论点不会打动大多数民众 (move) 逐渐移动 zhújiàn yídòng vibration caused the safety valve to work loose 震动使安全阀松掉了 (twitch) «features, lips» 抽搐 chōuchù his face worked with or in anger 他气得面部抽搐 D. transitive verb (drive) 使…工作 shǐ… gōngzuò person, staffto work sb hard/to death 使某人劳累/累得要死 (labour) 工作于 gōngzuò yú to work nights or the night shift 上夜班 to work an area «salesperson» 在某地推销 «sex worker» 在某地卖淫 zài mǒu de màiyín «beggar» 在某地行乞 zài mǒu de xíngqǐ I worked a few clubs 我在几家俱乐部工作过 to work one's way up 逐步升迁 to work one's way through sth 勤工俭学读完 collegeto work one's way through a book/an exam 费力读完书/考完试 to work one's way through two hamburgers informal 吃掉两只汉堡包 to work one's fingers to the bone 拼命干 (operate) 操作 cāozuò equipmentto work a lathe 操作车床 the machine is worked by electricity 这台机器是电动的 (exploit, use) 开采 kāicǎi mine, oil fieldto work the land 种地 to work the system informal 利用体制牟利 to work it or things informal 想办法 past tense, past participle worked or literary wrought (bring about) 产生 chǎnshēng change, wonders; 实现 shíxiàn cureto work miracles 创造奇迹 the landscape worked its magic on me 这景色令我着迷 the changes wrought by sth 由某事引起的变化 (fashion) «craftsman» 加工 jiāgōng gold, ironto work clay/dough 制陶/揉面团 to work sth into shape/a finished piece; 把某物加工成型/加工成成品 (rouse) «speaker, singer» 使…激动 shǐ… jīdòng crowdto work listeners into a patriotic fervour 激起听众的爱国热情 (sew) 缝制 féngzhì ; (embroider) 绣制 xiùzhì ; (weave) 编织 biānzhī to work a design/pattern on sth 在某物上绣图案/花样 (manoeuvre) 慢慢转动 mànmàn zhuàndòng objectto work a ring off one's finger 把戒指从手指上慢慢松脱下来 to work a few jokes into one's speech 设法在讲话中添加几个笑话 to work its way into the bloodstream/food chain «substance» 慢慢进入血液/食物链 to work one's way along sth 沿着…慢慢移动 ledgeto work one's way through a crowd 慢慢挤过人群 (move) «person, vibration» 使…移动 shǐ… yídòng person, objectto work sth up and down/from side to side 上下/来回扳动 lever, stickto work sth clear 把…移开 objectit worked its way loose 它松开了 to work one's hands free 挣脱双手 (exercise) 锻炼 duànliàn musclesE. to work oneself reflexive verb (labour) to work oneself (too) hard 干得(太)辛苦 gàn de (tài)xīnkǔ to work oneself to death figurative informal 把自己累死累活 bǎ zìjǐ lèi sǐ lèi huó (rouse) to work oneself into a rage 变得暴跳如雷 biàn de bào tiào rú léi to work oneself into a frenzy (of angry) 变得狂怒 biàn de kuángnù (of hysterics) 变得狂躁不安 biàndé kuángzào bù'ān (move) to work oneself loose or free 挣脱 zhèngtuō the screw had worked itself loose 螺丝钉松了 luósīdīng sōng le PHRASAL VERBS work around intransitive verb = work roundwork away intransitive verb (continuously) 不停工作 bù tíng gōngzuò ; (diligently) 勤奋工作 qínfèn gōngzuò work down intransitive verb «garment» 渐渐滑落 jiànjiàn huáluò work in transitive verb [work sth in, work in sth] (incorporate) 把…安排进去 bǎ… ānpái jìnqu task; 把…穿插进去 bǎ… chuānchā jìnqu joke, referenceCooking 掺入 chānrù ingredientwork off transitive verb [work sth off, work off sth] (pay off by working) 挣钱偿还 zhèng qián chánghuán loan, debt(get rid of) 去除 qùchú body fat, energy, angerto work off some excess weight 减掉多余的体重 to work sth off on sb; 在某人身上发泄 emotion, frustrationdon't work off your bad temper on me! 别拿我撒气! (remove) 使…松脱 shǐ… sōngtuō lid, ringwork out A. intransitive verb (exercise) 锻炼 duànliàn (develop in a successful way) «events, situation» 有进展 yǒu jìnzhǎn their marriage didn't work out 他们的婚姻不美满 sometimes things just work out that way 有时候事情的结果就是那样 I hope things work out for him 我希望他顺利 (be solvable) «problem» 被解决 bèi jiějué I can't get this equation to work out 我无法解出这个方程 (be calculated) «total, figures» 被算出 bèi suànchū to work out at or US to sth; 总数为某数 (come out) «piece, plug» 脱出 tuōchū B. [work sth out, work out sth] transitive verb (calculate) 算出 suànchū figure, average, wagesto work sth out at or US to sth 算出某物为某数 (solve) 解决 jiějué problem; 解开 jiěkāi riddle, clue; 破译 pòyì code(deduce) 弄懂 nòngdǒng answer, reason, meaningto work out who/what/where etc.确定谁/什么/哪里等… (devise) 制订 zhìdìng planthe details still have to be worked out 细节仍有待确定 usually passive (exhaust) 把…开采光 bǎ… kāicǎi guāng land, minea worked-out silver mine 采尽的银矿 Administration 持续工作到 chíxù gōngzuò dào period of timeto work out one's notice 工作到期满 C. [work sb out, work out sb] transitive verb informal 了解…的性格 liǎojiě… de xìnggé I can't work her out 我摸不透她的脾气 D. to work itself out reflexive verb «problem, situation» 逐步自行解决 zhúbù zìxíng jiějué things will work themselves out 事情终将自动了结 work over transitive verb [work over sb, work sb over] informal 拷打 kǎodǎ work round: intransitive verb to work round to sth; 渐渐讲到 jiànjiàn jiǎngdào topic, questionto work round to doing sth; 渐渐讲到做某事 jiànjiàn jiǎngdào zuò mǒu shì to work round to asking a question 慢慢绕到提问上 mànmàn ràodào tíwèn shang work up A. intransitive verb (progress) to work up to sth; 逐渐讲到 confession逐步发展到 zhúbù fāzhǎn dào fight, argumentto work up to a climax «music, scene» 逐步进入高潮 (ride up) «garment» 缩上去 suō shangqu B. transitive verb [work up sth] (develop) 激起 jīqǐ appetite, enthusiasm; 逐步增强 zhúbù zēngqiáng supportto work up a sweat 弄出一身汗 to work up the courage to confront sb 鼓起勇气去面对某人 [work sth up, work up sth] (expand) 使…完整 shǐ… wánzhěng sketchto work one's notes up into a report 把笔记扩充成报告 [work sb up] (excite) 使激动 shǐ jīdòng to work sb up into a frenzy/rage 使某人变得疯狂/暴怒 C. to work oneself up reflexive verb to work oneself up into a state/frenzy 使自己大动肝火/疯狂起来 shǐ zìjǐ dà dòng gānhuǒ/fēngkuáng qilai to get (oneself) all worked up (over or about sth) (因某事物)激动起来 (yīn mǒu shìwù)jīdòng qilai




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